For Immediate Release
The Official Halloween Houdini Seance on the Internet - Oct 31.
There is a small fee to participate of only $1.00 to be send to
Official Houdini Seance
1433 N. Main Ave.
Scranton, PA 18508
As a token of our appreciation we will send you an Official Houdini Seance souvenir.
The Houdini Museum, a non-profit organization, has a large web site of over 100 different Pages on the world wide web. The Houdini Museum has gotten many awards for its Internet site including being chosen as one of the "7 Wonders of the Web." They have also been chosen as one of the 50,000 best sites on the Internet chosen from many millions by Net Guide. They gave the site three five star and one three star rating in various categories, with five stars being the highest rating in any category. The Houdini Museum can be found on the Internet by typing in the words Houdini Museum Scranton on any of the major Internet search engines. The actual web address is
The Houdini Museum has been in Scranton for nine years, and open to the general public for four years in the Scranton/Pocono area. Prior to that a part of the exhibit was on display for 13 years at the famous Magic Towne House in New York City. The Magic Towne House was the location of the Official Houdini Seances in New York. New York City was where Houdini lived for most of his life, until his death.
Although these have been called "seances" by many, it was really meant as a scientific test between Houdini, his wife and friends. Some of magic¼s most famous personalities have attended previous seances held by the museum including :
Dorothy Dietrich, considered one of the world's leading experts on Houdini, as well as a world re- nowned female magician and escape artist. She has appeared on many major TV specials including a star- ring role in a Home Box Office Special tribute to Houdini hosted by Tony Curtis, who played Houdini in the film biography, 'You Asked For It," a Bill Cosby Special, The Tom Snyder Show and many others. She also appears in Atlantic City and Las Vegas.
Famous author Walter B. Gibson, author of "The Shadow." He was also a Houdini biographer, ghostwriter, confidant of Houdini and his wife Bess. He was the only one to have ever seen Houdini's "secret notes" before they disappeared. Houdini's wife asked him to carry on the "seances." Before he died he asked Dorothy Dietrich to carry on the tradition of the yearly tributes to Houdini called by many "seances."
Milbourne Christopher, magic historian, and writer of several books on Houdini attended most of the New York "Houdini Seances" at New York's Magic Towne House before he passed away.
John Bravo, well know magician, editor and publisher of Hocus Pocus Magazine, with many TV and club appearance to his credit. He is also a director of The Houdini Museum.
It should be noted, Houdini never said he was coming back, or that he would open handcuffs at a seance, etc. He was the exposer of the very people who claimed they could get messages from dead relatives, make their ghosts appear, etc. He said such things were in his experience not possible, but being the greatest escape artist/magician that ever lived he, Houdini, would try to escape from the beyond. He is credited with putting this whole area of racketeering out of business. After ten years of no results his wife Bess sent out a letter to participants saying "since the failure of the ten year TEST, it is my opinion that all concerned have struck a mighty world wide blow at superstition." They are now done as a tribute to the great artist, but who knows? Being one of the greatest publicity artists of all time, he could return via the Internet. He would have loved it.
The Houdini Museum has been In Scranton for 10 years, and open to the general public for five years in the Scranton/Pocono area. New York City was the location of the previous Halloween Official Houdini Seances held in New York City, where Houdini lived most of his life. Many famous magicians attended including Milbourne Christopher and Walter B. Gibson. According to Walter Houdini's wife asked him to carry on the Halloween seances and Walter, asked magician Dorothy Dietrich to carry them on as a tribute to Houdini on several occasions before he passed away.
Famous magician and writer Milbourne Christopher
at another of our "Houdini Seances" shortly before he passed away.
"Houdini!!!" and is written by a Pulitzer Prize winning author who knows magic and magicians as well, Kenneth Silverman. A giant work with 150 pictures. Retails for $35 and we expect it to sell out. Order NOW!!! Send $32.50 plus $5 postage and handling in US or appropriate postage for non US destinations. Don't miss this. Send to Houdini Museum, 1433 N. Main Ave., Scranton PA 18508
Go to Halloween Home Page
Go to October Halloween Shows at the Houdini Museum
Go to Articles about past "Houdini Seances"
For many years Dunninger claimed he had a code with Houdini. Research proves this to be a falsehood
Go to Dunninger fake seance message claim
Not well known facts about Houdini.
Houdini's local appearances
Some Houdini challenges in the area.
Houdini's brother Hardeen and other magic history
Houdini's exposure of psychics, mediums and other frauds.
Local writer writes of seeing Houdini many times.
Ads for Houdini's movies in Scranton.
Some Houdini portraits, drawings, etc.
Early theater history in Scranton.
About the Houdini museum and tour.
To order a T-Shirt.
Available souvenirs & Houidni Museum memberships.
Houdini Museum Information for GROUPS & FIELD TRIPS AND MAGIC SHOWS.
Picture gallery / celebrities along with the famous magicians who direct the Houdini Museum
Home Page of Dorothy Dietrich, leading female magician and a director of the Houdini Museum
Houdini Museum hours of Operation.....
Houdini Museum directions & Map.
Houdini Museum Memberships & Donations & Volunteers.
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